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Cevac Maximune 8 k

Inactivated oil emulsion vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Newcastle Disease (ND), Infectious Bronchitis (IB), Infectious Bursal Disease (3 strains) and Reovirus Diseases (3 strains)

MAXIMUNE ® 8 is an inactivated oil emulsion vaccine containing three Infectious Bursal Disease viruses (standard, variant A and E strains), and three reo viruses including strain S113(Tenosynovitis pathotype), strain 2408 (Malabsorption pathotype) and strain SS412 (Distinct serotype from the S1133 type reo virus and a causative agent of proventriculitis and malabsorption in broilers). MAXIMUNE ® 8 also contains Newcastle Disease virus and Infectious Bronchitis viruses (Mass 41 and Mass Holland strains). All viruses in MAXIMUNE ® 8 are non-cloned isolates produced in SPF chicken egg substrates or in bursal of SPF chickens.

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